Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Abstract 77: The Cervical Cancer Treatment Gap Among Mexican Women Without Social Security From 2006-2016 After the Introduction of Public Financing for Treatment.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Sean McClellan, Karla Unger-Saldaña, Priscilla Espinoza-Tamez, Erick Suazo-Zepeda, Michael B. Potter, Salim Abraham Barquet-Muñoz, Leticia Torres-Ibarra, Hector Lamadrid-Figueroa, Martín Lajous

Abstract C123: The San Francisco Cancer Initiative: Addressing disparities in colorectal cancer screening in community health centers.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Robert Hiatt, Carly Rachocki, Michael B. Potter, Ma Somsouk, David Ofman

Abstract A020: Connection to Health for Smokers: A comprehensive smoking cessation program for community health centers.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Michael B Potter, Vicky Bowyer, Janice Y Tsoh, Jose Parra, Danielle Hessler