FCM Rodnick Colloquium 2021
11 – 11:50 – Plenary - “Embodying our values and extending our impact: Family Medicine beyond the clinic walls”
Session Moderator – Kevin Grumbach
- Mind the gap: Transitions Clinic Network helps bridge health care for people returning to the community from incarceration – Shira Shavit MD, Jonathan Chiu, Joseph Calderon
- Improving health for adults with developmental disabilities - Clarissa Kripke MD
- Collaborating to fight COVID among farmworkers in rural Monterey County: the struggle for equity – Sundeep Gupta MD, Erika Romero MD and Irene de Barraicua
- Health care teams reshaping immigration policy – Suzanne Barakat MD and Mar Cury
11:50 – 11:55 - UCSF FCM Educational Alliance Teaching Awards – Margo Vener
12:00 – 12:50 – Poster Discussion – Posters are on the UCSF FCM website to view in advance beginning Tues, May 25
- Group A – Clinical care, including telehealth, digital technology, pandemic response, and primary care
- Session Moderator - Erica Brode MD
- Group B - Clinical care, including gender expansive care, reproduction and primary care
- Session Moderator - Maddie Deutsch MD
- Group C – Education and training
- Session Moderator - Bill Shore MD
- Group D – Mental health, wellness and community care
- Session Moderator - Betsy Wan MD
- Group E – Health equity and social determinants of health
- Session Moderator - Paula Braveman MD
1:00 – 1:50 – Session 1
- Workshop 1 - The consent continuum: a new model of consent, assent, and non-dissent for primary care. M. Tunzi, A. Jordan, D. Satin, P. Day. Natividad
- Workshop 2 - Disasters happen: lessons learned from the Tubbs fire. S. Martin, A. Coutinho. Lossy. P. Ukiah Valley
- Workshop 3 - Advancing anti-racist research methods in Family and Community Medicine. C. Dehlendorf, Y. Cartier, D. Hessler, S. Sarnaik. UCSF
- Lecture Discussion 1 – Expanding Community Health
- Effect of treatment on prediabetic patients in Fresno county. M. Ng, C. Chau, L. Hsiao, S. Hughes, I. Price, A. Venturina. Fresno
- Better together? CBO perspectives on healthcare organizations’ community change efforts. EM Brown, C. Fichtenberg. SIREN/UCSF
- Health impact of street sweeps on people experiencing homelessness from the perspective of healthcare providers. D. Qi, R. Mukherjee, L. Khoeur, S. Rosenwohl-Mack, K. Abri Lavasani, L. Barnard, K. Knight. UCSF
- Session Moderator - Guangyi Wang PhD
- Lecture Discussion 2 – Advancing Resident Education
- Teaching professionalism in a residency program. L. Patel, D. Reouk. KP San Jose
- Opt-out therapy for medical residents. S. Rush, N. Gordon, K. Wei. UCSF
- Faculty and resident contraceptive opt-outs and training site restrictions: a CERA study. G. Shih, D. Stulberg, T. Barreto, H. Andrilla, S. Guzman, M Nothnagle. Natividad
- Session Moderator - Kirsten Day MD
- Lecture Discussion 3 – Responding to COVID: Outreach and Prevention
- Demographic distribution of COVID-19 infection in 3 San Francisco healthcare systems. E. Raphael; K. Azar; D. Gu; A. Rubinsky; Z. Shen; M. Wang; M. Pantell; C. Lyles; A. Fernandez; K. Bibbins-Domingo; A. Pressman; R. Romanelli; R. Hamad. UCSF
- Natividad novel coronavirus 2019 vaccine outreach campaign: our shot at ending the pandemic. C. Carrillo, E. Romero-Gutierrez, S. Gupta, O. Nolan. Natividad
- Educating teens and parents about dangers of vaping and covid-19: outreach via secure message during a pandemic. B. Harris, A. Shen, C. Bantug, W. Tom. KP San Jose
- Session Moderator - Isabel Lee MD
2 – 2:50 – Session 2
- Workshop 1 – Health profile of asylum seekers based on the UCSF Human Rights Cooperative’s forensic evaluations: Case presentations and how primary care providers can advocate for change. A. Gallagher, G. Steiner, A. Lu, M. Armendariz, T. Defries, C. Kivlahan. UCSF
- Workshop 2 - Aesthetics, medicine, and medical education. J. Clark, F. Tani. Natividad
- Workshop 3 - Implementing supported healthcare decision-making practice. C. Kripke, M. Crisp-Cooper, B. Doherty. UCSF, DFCM Office of Developmental Primary Care
- Workshop 4 - Developing a Transgender Health Preceptorship. A. Newstetter, M. Hahn, J. Price, C. Bohlman. UCSF
- Lecture Discussion 1 – Reducing Health Disparities, Addressing Social Care, and Promoting Antiracism Dialogue
- Reducing health disparities with a geriatric clinic for the underserved. W. Mills, E. Macias, J. Sylvia. Natividad
- Assessing Social Care Integration within National Diabetes Treatment and Management Guidelines. B. Aceves, M. Pisciotta, R. Gunn, N. Razon, E. Cottrell, D. Hessler, R. Gold, LM Gottlieb. SIREN, UCSF
- Reading Antiracism & Dialogue - RADical series: Exploring racism in medicine through multimodal didactics and readings. P. Priyam, M. Younge, A. Echiverri, N. Ferguson. Contra Costa
- Session Moderator - Betsy Wan MD
- Lecture Discussion 2 – Promoting Mental Health Care and Support
- The Spanish perinatal loss support group -- a pilot group program at Contra Costa county. J. Loeza, S. Fonseca, C. Montes, L. Rodelo, Block, A. Contra Costa
- Rates of Primary Care and Emergency Department Utilization Among Patients with Newly Diagnosed Depressive Mood Disorders. A. Alexandra, V. Franco, B. Denton-Schneider, B. Caudle, A. Castillo Mazantini. KP Napa Solano
- Changes in outpatient, emergency department, and inpatient mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. K. Ridout, M. Alavi, S. Ridout, B. Harris, E. Iturralde. KP San Jose
- Session Moderator – Beth Phillips
3:00 – 3:50 – Session 3
- Workshop 1 - Telemedicine is a “GO”, Now What? Implementing a robust, longitudinal telemedicine curriculum. P. Hiserote, E. Cole, L. Hoff, E. Shaver, R. Friedman. KP Santa Rosa
- Workshop 2 - Two-way communication for COVID-19 vaccination: an interactive skill-building session. A. DiGiammarino, P. Mejia, R. Siemons, R. Willard-Grace. Center for Excellence in Primary Care. UCSF
- Workshop 3 - Taking steps to dismantle racism in maternity care. C. Pecci, K. Chela, S. Rush. UCSF
- Workshop 4 – Low-barrier Buprenorphine and Harm Reduction: Increasing Access through CA Bridge. H. Snyder, L. Stephan, M. Kalin, A. Moulin, A. Sampson, D. Goodman-Meza, M. Speener, S. Shoptaw, A. Herring. UCSF
- Lecture Discussion 1 – Contextualizing and Strengthening Clinical Care
- Increasing access to medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder at a community hospital through a family medicine-based consult service. S. Matzat, G. Flores, K. Capron, F. Tani, C. Zaro, V. Garcia. Natividad
- Impacts of COVID-19 and California Senate Bill 1152 on discharge processes for patients experiencing homelessness: a qualitative study, H. Aridomi, C. Auerswald, A. Brewster, Y. Cartier, L. Gottlieb. UC Berkeley Joint Medical Program
- Learning from families of children and youth with special health care needs: how well are we meeting their needs? J. Rienks, A. Shatara, L. Remy. UCSF
- Moderator - Stuart Menaker MD
- Lecture Discussion 2 – Community Health: Lessons Learned
- Toward a new normal: Learning from community health worker experiences to improve diabetes care in rural Guatemala. K. Feibusch, M. Perez, L. Fields, G. Romero, K. Cirksena, K. Colwell. KP Santa Rosa
- Physicians’ infectious disease screening practices for obstetric patients in Fresno County. R. Mora-Roman Jr, S. Hughes. Fresno
- Birth outcomes among Team Lily patients pregnant people facing significant barriers to care in San Francisco. M. Cheeks, K. Ciraldo, S. Frazin, C. Schmidt, R. Schwartz, T. Rondone, C. Gutierrez, D. Seidman. UCSF
- Moderator - Beth Phillips
- Lecture Discussion 3 – Rethinking Community Medicine Education
- Community medicine in residency training in the time of COVID-19, H. Issaq, K. Hartwig. KP San Jose
- Redesigning Community Engagement Curricula in a Post-COVID World. D. Miller. Lifelong Medical
- Youth informed, youth approved: Prioritizing community partnership in the design and development of an adolescent health intervention. C. Onyekwere, A. Cliffe, W. Wilson, J. Fitzpatrick, A. Bell, E. Wingo, C. Dehlendorf. PCRHP, UCSF
- Session Moderator - Leah Rorvig MD
4:00 – 5:00 – DEIA and Health Advocacy - Panel and Small Groups - “What is happening, and how can I help make a difference?”
“Headlines” Panel (4:00-4:30) – In one combined panel, experts will share perspectives on emerging issues in DEIA and health advocacy. In addition to providing big-picture perspective, this panel helps you select which small group you want to join for deeper discussion.
“Deeper Dive” Discussion Groups (4:30 – 5:00) – Please join the discussion group that best fits your interests so that you can share ideas, discuss how to get involved, and brainstorm important next steps.
- Dismantling race-based algorithms, guidelines and calculators
- Monica Hahn MD, Juliana Morris MD, Madeleine Kane Med 4, Shrey Goel Med 4
- Building agency through racial affinity groups/caucusing
- Linda Russell LMFT (John Muir Health) , Mariah Hansen (Sutter Santa Rosa)
- FCM’s role as anti-racist advocates - Empowering ourselves as effective change agents:Do no harm, DPH must divest and other community organizing efforts aimed at dismantling racist structures
- Roberto Vargas, MPH, Nathan Kim MD (UCSF)
- DEIA – it’s meant to be tough work! Dialogue around missteps, missed opportunities and structural barriers to advancing to DEIA
- Tessa Stecker MD, Ted O’Connell MD, Matt Symkowick MD (KP Napa Solano)
- Taking Action for Trans Health & Gender-Expansive Care
- Emiliano Lemus MS (UCSF), Lina Khoeur Med MS (UCSF), Alexis Hoffkling MD (KP Santa Rosa)
- Pursuing Health Equity- Vaccine Advocacy and Action through Collaboration in Contra Costa
- Kishore Nath MD, Isis Morales, LVN, Gilbert Salinas, MPA; Stephanie Rivera, MPH; Sarah Chodakewitz, MPH (John Muir Health)
- Health Policy Updates: The Biden administration since the Lancet report
- Kevin Grumbach MD (UCSF)