
Trailblazing: The Family Medicine Inpatient Service at SFGH

By Annice Jacoby, writer and patient of Family Health Center on February 15, 2024
Born in the tumult of nineteen sixties movements and the San Francisco counterculture flux of hippies in search of a better society, the UCSF Department of Family and Community Medicine harkened the times “they were a-changing”.

California Community Midwives Face Significant Challenges to Becoming Medi-Cal Providers, Study Finds

February 12, 2024
While low-income communities in California continue to be hardest hit by the recent wave of hospital maternity ward closures, community midwives say they face overwhelming barriers to becoming Medi-Cal providers, according to a study by researchers at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health.

Addressing Disparities in Diabetes Distress

November 17, 2023
When researchers asked people with type 1 diabetes how they felt about having the disease, they most commonly answered: “No one has ever asked me that question.”

Michael B. Potter to Lead UCSF Effort to Improve Cancer Control in Mexico & Latin America

November 16, 2023
Michael B. Potter, MD, Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine at UC San Francisco and director of the San Francisco Bay Area Collaborative Research Network, is set to lead UCSF’s participation in a new research initiative focused on improving cancer control efforts in Mexico and Latin...

Patients as Partners in FCM Residency Selection

November 02, 2023
As family medicine practices seek to become more equitable, an important aspect of working towards that goal involves decision-making capacity, governance, and how power dynamics affect healthcare system-level decisions. Patient and community engagement has been highlighted as an important strategy...

FCM's Cory Johnson, MD, Receives Maxine Papadakis Award for Faculty Professionalism and Respect

October 30, 2023
Cory Johnson, MD, director of behavioral medicine at UCSF-SFGH Family & Community Residency Program, has been named the recipient of the 2022-2023 Maxine Papadakis Award for Faculty Professionalism and Respect.

FCM Welcomes New Faculty Members

October 16, 2023
UCSF Family & Community Medicine welcomes two new faculty members this month. Drs. Dr. Cindy Saenz and Cazandra Zaragoza have joined FCM's core faculty as Assistant Clinical Professors. Both are graduates and former chief residents of FCM's residency program at UCSF-San Francisco General...

FCM Honors Exceptional Staff with Shine Awards

October 05, 2023
Ten FCM staff members were honored with the department's Shine awards recognizing individuals who demonstrated exceptional dedication and went above and beyond in supporting our teams throughout the past year. The awards were presented by FCM Chair Megan Mahoney (shown left with Evelyn Garcia) ...

Dr. Margo Vener Appointed UCSF Asst. Dean for Undergrad Med Ed at UC Merced

October 02, 2023
Dr. Margo Vener has been appointed director of undergraduate medical education at UC Merced. She has served as interim director since September 2022. She has simultaneously been named UC San Francisco assistant dean for undergraduate medical education at UC Merced.

Transitions Clinic Network Advocates for Pre-Release Medicaid Coverage for the Incarcerated

February 24, 2023
Around 600,000 people leave prison in the U.S. every year, and another 10 million re released from county jails. Many of them suffer from chronic physical, mental, and substance use conditions putting them at an extremely high risk of hospitalization and death.
