UCSF Family Medicine Educational Alliance Residency Programs

Image of Contra Costa Health Services logo

Contra Costa Regional Medical Center


The Contra Costa Family Medicine Residency Program is a training program located in the San Francisco Bay Area with more than 40 years of excellence in Family Medicine education. We serve a diverse patient population and are committed to caring for the underserved. Our goal is to produce leaders in clinical Family Medicine skilled in the full breadth and depth of our discipline.

Located in Martinez (pop. 30,000), an East Bay community just 35 miles from San Francisco and 20 miles from Berkeley, we are vigorously committed to primary care, teaching, care of the underserved, and the promise of family practice. Areas of focus include Reproductive and Global Health, Point of Care Ultrasound and Community and Pipeline Development. We have no competing residencies, and our new and financially secure county hospital provides an ideal setting for training.

  • 39 Residents (total)
  • Program Director: Leah Romito, MD
  • Program Coordinator: JoAnn Valencia

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John Muir Health

For the medical student looking for an experienced faculty with diverse skill sets to fully support them through a comprehensive Clinic First experience in an unopposed residency environment, John Muir Family Medicine Residency prepares you with real-world readiness, personal resiliency skills, and efficient practice management. John Muir Family Medicine Residency distinguishes itself by caring for a diverse patient population in a true integrated behavioral health setting and also through its strong system wide leadership and support by Family Physicians. We are pleased to offer interested residents tracks in:

  • Community and Global Health 
  • Integrative Medicine 
  • Obstetrics 
  • Leadership 

John Muir Health Family Medicine Residency Program.  We listen.  We care.  We learn and teach together as a team. 

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Kaiser Permanente Napa-Solano

The Kaiser Permanente Napa-Solano Family Medicine Residency Program provides outstanding training in full spectrum Family Medicine that prepares graduates to excel in any practice setting and to be leaders and innovators in medicine. We offer a culture of family- and patient-centered, equitable care that balances the best in cutting edge, innovative technology and evidence-based practice with humanistic care and a commitment to racial, economic, environmental, and social justice, as well as to community medicine and global health.  We are fully-accredited by the ACGME with a 10-year accreditation through 2027 and no citations during our accreditation review in 2017.

Our residents provide direct patient care responsibility for a culturally, ethnically, and economically diverse patient population. Our resident program is integrated into the community with a dedicated community medicine curriculum that includes implicit bias and anti-racism training, multiple community rotation sites, and a partnership with La Clinica de la Raza. We are committed to global health, including an experience in Honduras as a class during the PGY-3 year with additional opportunities to work abroad.

  • 18 Residents (total)
  • Program Director: Matthew Symkowick, MD
  • Program Coordinator: Elizabeth Kleier

Kaiser Permanente San Jose

We have a full complement of 18 residents as of July 2020! We are a collaborative program with 6 residents per year, and have developed an innovative curriculum with a hybrid 2-week block/longitudinal schedule.

Our residents practice team-based medicine, develop meaningful connections with our diverse patients and their communities, and receive high quality training in a supportive environment. The KP San Jose Medical Center cultivates a respectful and collaborative relationship between primary care and our specialist colleagues, which enhances their residency experience.

Our faculty have distinguished themselves locally and regionally practicing full-scope Family Medicine and expanding their expertise in pediatrics, OB-GYN, sports medicine and outpatient procedures. Our residents rotate during PGY1 and 2 at Washington Neighborhood Clinic, an FQHC, and in PGY3 rotate at John XXIII, a homeless care focused clinic. They have dedicated Professional Development rotations each year, engage in advocacy and health policy training, participate in global health opportunities, and enjoy a robust wellness program.

  • 18 Residents (total)
  • Program Director: Francis Chu, MD
  • Program Coordinator: Sandeep Tumber

Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa 

Our exciting new program builds on Kaiser Permanente’s over 70-year commitment to graduate medical education and the long heritage of Santa Rosa as a model for full-scope Family Medicine practice and education. As one of the first residents of Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa’s unopposed family medicine residency, you will experience a rigorous and rewarding curriculum, designed intentionally for the future of family medicine. You will have the opportunity to help shape the culture of our program, care for our diverse patient population, and learn from an enthusiastic faculty, graduating at the end of 3 years fully prepared to be an outstanding family physician wherever you choose to practice.

  • 18 Residents (total)
  • Program Director: Rachel Friedman, MD 
  • Program Coordinator: Kim Eisert




LifeLong Medical Care Family Medicine Residency 

Our new Teaching Health Center family medicine program is sponsored by a well-established and highly regarded community health center organization in the East Bay Area founded in 1976. Our innovative curriculum focuses on the care of an urban, safety net population. It includes behavioral health and MAT, group medical visits, comprehensive reproductive care, and community medicine options such as street medicine and house calls. At our new facility in Richmond, residents leverage community resources to impact social determinants of health. Robust inpatient training occurs at UCSF Children's Oakland, Kaiser, Sutter Alta Bates, and Contra Costa Regional. We aim to educate highly qualified and diverse physicians inspired to address the needs of undeserved communities. 

Caring for the whole person, the whole family, and the whole community. 

  • 18 Residents (total) 
  • Program Director: Dr. Brent Sugimoto
  • Program Coordinator: Brittany Cash-White

Image of Natividad Medical Center logo


Natividad is a community-based residency sponsored by California’s first public hospital and founded in 1975. Family Medicine is the only residency at Natividad, which is known for robust inpatient family medicine training, high-volume and high-risk obstetrics, and family planning including abortion care. Residents and faculty provide outpatient care in a safety net community health center on the hospital campus that is sponsored by the Monterey County Health Department. With support from a multidisciplinary team including behavioral health and a medico-legal partnership, our residents learn to care for our diverse community and address the health disparities affecting immigrant farm workers. Natividad is located 2 hours south of San Francisco and 20 minutes from Monterey, on the beautiful Central Coast. We are affiliated with UCSF and Touro California Medical Schools, and residents have teaching opportunities on every rotation, with 10 clerkship students on-site year round and many visiting students. Our OB Fellows learn operative and high-risk obstetrical care, and our UCSF HEAL Global Health fellows and residents rotate at our partner site Companeros en Salud (Partners in Health) in Chiapas, Mexico.

  • 30 Residents (total)
  • Program Director: Melissa Nothnagle, MD, MSc
  • Program Coordinator: Claudia Tovar
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Santa Rosa Family Medicine Residency

The Sutter Santa Rosa Family Medicine Residency is a community-based program that trains full spectrum family physicians. The program features a humanistic approach to personal and professional development, resident-driven education, academic rigor, and innovative training. Residents treat a population of multicultural, multilingual and underserved patients.

  • 36 Residents (total)
  • Program Director: Tara Scott, MD
  • Program Manager: Sarah Rasmussen
Image of Community Regional Medical Center logo

UCSF Fresno/Community Regional Medical Center

The UCSF Fresno Family Medicine Residency is a dynamic program which has graduated more than 400 residents since its inception in 1970. It is a model for community-based training, balancing service and education needs for a large multi-cultural underserved population. UCSF Fresno offers outstanding ambulatory and inpatient care. The program is distinguished by its urban and rural family health centers, and by its weekly educational half days covering behavioral science, family medicine, geriatrics, pediatrics, OBGYN,  surgical subspecialties, internal medicine subspecialties, as well as procedural skills workshops.

  • 41 Residents (total)
  • 3 Chief Residents
  • Program Director: Sireesha Reddy, MD
  • Program Coordinator: Tanya Martinez
Image of UCSF/SFGH Family Medicine Residency logo

UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital

The UCSF Family and Community Medicine Residency Program is focused on promoting liberating relationships in medicine and in training. We are based at San Francisco General Hospital within the county department of public health. Our mission is to prepare family physicians to provide quality care for urban undeserved communities. To do this, we offer residents a high quality comprehensive education that emphasizes the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of health. We promote collaborative, family-centered health care which supports and relies on our patients' autonomy, strengths, and values. We seek to attract residents, faculty, and staff of diverse backgrounds and inspire them to work towards broader social change. Residents train at the Family Health Center, the largest primary care clinic in the department of public health. Over 98% of our patients are uninsured or publicly insured, and residents are trained to actively address the social determinants of health that are so impactful in this patient population. We are a supportive, dedicated, creative, and diverse community and we love learning together.

Since 1973, the residency has trained nearly 500 graduates to partner with communities, provide healthcare, educate others, and improve systems. Over 60% of our graduates currently practice in state or federally designated shortage areas, primarily in community-based health centers of public hospital-based clinics.

  • 45 Residents (total)
  • 3 Chief Residents
  • Program Director: Cory Johnson, MD, MPH
  • Program Manager: Kristine Roshani

Valley Health Team Family Medicine Residency

We are a Teaching Health Center sponsored by a federal-qualified health center that originated in western Fresno County in 1973.  Our young program was founded in response to the shortage of primary care physicians in the region, and our mission is to be the program of choice for family medicine residents who are committed to the underserved and vulnerable and will serve those communities in the San Joaquin Valley throughout their careers.  We have strong partnerships with UCSF-Fresno, Valley Children’s Hospital, and other community organizations, forming a rich compilation of clinical and community learning experiences in full-scope family medicine.  We train and graduate highly skilled clinicians who emphasize patient-centered, relevant care.  Our curriculum is responsive to resident and community needs; it reflects our philosophy of continuous quality improvement and our commitment to patients and trainees.

  • 12 Residents (total)
  • Program Director:  Lydia Herrera-Mata, MD, MS
  • Program Coordinator:  Stacey Quintana, C-TAGME


What is the UCSF Family Medicine Educational Alliance

We are eleven FCM residency programs that collaborate in educating residents and students; we are all affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Alliance programs are located throughout the greater Bay Area and central California.  Spanning urban, rural and sub-urban settings, the Alliance includes diverse health care systems such as academic centers, community hospitals and clinics, and large HMO’s.  Many models of health care delivery are represented, which makes the Alliance so exciting to be a part of!

What common goals do the Alliance programs share?

All Alliance programs are committed to the mission of providing outstanding training in family- and patient-centered care, promoting evidence-based practice, and affirming humanistic care for all patients and communities. We collaborate in educational goals to help our trainees, faculty and staff learn from each other and grow as a specialty. Our programs share a deep commitment to promoting health equity, advancing social justice and eliminating health disparities. 

How do the Alliance programs work together?

Residents, faculty and staff are all encouraged to get involved! Each year residents and faculty from Alliance sites come together at the Rodnick Family Medicine Colloquium to share give peer-reviewed presentations, hear dynamic speakers, engage in discussion, and exchange innovations and best practices. Throughout the year, faculty members collaborate to address shared goals and may attend faculty development sessions.  Chief residents met this year to build camaraderie and work on ways to support one another in their leadership roles.  Residents may become involved through the ongoing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion group. In addition, each year Alliance residents meet with medical students at the annual UCSF Northern California Residency Fair.  Residents are also encouraged to attend career panels. Everyone is encouraged to participate in shared research projects. We are currently working on creating virtual Alliance Grand Rounds on topics of shared interest, such as immigrant health, substance use training, and reproductive justice. 

What are current Alliance initiatives?

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Our Alliance DEI working group includes all programs. We are working to improve patient, family and learner experience in the clinical settings and promote greater community partnership. Part of our work includes on-going discussions key themes. We are also promoting training of site-based “champions” who can help promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at their program
  • Promoting Wellness – This year, shared discussion focused on what is wellness, and how do we balance the rigors of training with maximizing learning to build a foundation for personal and professional development. Programs are sharing methodologies of assessment, best practices and hope to roll out collaborative initiatives in the coming year.

How do I apply to Alliance programs?

Although we share common educational goals, each program has its own independent residency selection process. Please click on the links below to find out more about each program. Every one is different, and we are eager to help you find your best fit!