Michael Potter, MD

Family Community Medicine
+1 415 353-3217

Dr. Michael Potter is a family physician and researcher in the UCSDF School of Medicine's Department of Family and Community Medicine. Dr. Potter is director of the San Francisco Bay Collaborative Research Network (SFBayCRN), a primary care practice-based research network that is supported by the UCSF Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. SFBayCRN provides consultation and leadership to develop mutually beneficial research partnerships between UCSF faculty and community-based clinicians or healthcare organizations. He also directs CTSI's Research Infrastructure Network and Team Science Programs. In his own research, Dr. Potter focuses on the development and evaluation of primary care interventions that increase access to essential preventive services and chronic illness care. He is also a member of UCSF's Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and UCSF's Global Cancer Program, providing leadership for initiatives related to colorectal cancer screening within both programs. Dr. Potter is a graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Medical School, the UCSF Family Medicine Residency Program at San Francisco General Hospital, and UCSF's Advanced Training in Clinical Research Fellowship. He has been a member of the UCSF faculty since 1994.


Colorectal cancer survival in Mexico: Leveraging a national health insurance database.

Cancer epidemiology

Lozano-Esparza S, Sánchez-Blas HR, Huitzil-Meléndez FD, Meneses-Medina MI, Van Loon K, Potter MB, Mohar A, Lajous M

Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Multicomponent Intervention to Increase Uptake in Patients Aged 45-49.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

McClellan SP, Patel S, Uy-Smith E, Gregory B, Neuhaus JM, Potter MB, Somsouk M

Screening Will Always Be Essential. Providers and Staff Discuss the Implementation of Anal Cancer Screening for Persons Living With HIV in Mexico City.

JCO Global Oncology

Sean P. McClellan, Karla Unger-Saldaña, Mario Gómez-Zepeda, Julia Gabriela-Hernández, Sonia Hernández-Salazar, Joel M. Palefksy, Michael B. Potter, Jorge Salmerón, Leticia Torres-Ibarra, Kimberly A. Koester

Smoking Cessation Support in the Context of Other Social and Behavioral Needs in Community Health Centers.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Potter MB, Tsoh JY, Lugtu K, Parra J, Bowyer V, Hessler D

Self-Management Support Improves Diabetes Outcomes Without Exacerbating Inequities.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Krishnakumar D, Hessler Jones D, Potter MB

Is team science valued in the academic promotions process? A mixed-methods case study.

Journal of clinical and translational science

Potter MB, Mansur S, Rutman SP, Brindis CD

A multilevel mHealth intervention boosts adherence to hydroxyurea in individuals with sickle cell disease.

Blood advances

Hankins JS, Brambilla D, Potter MB, Kutlar A, Gibson RW, King AA, Baumann AA, Melvin CL, Gordeuk VR, Hsu LL, Nwosu C, Porter JS, Alberts NM, Badawy SM, Simon J, Glassberg J, Lottenberg R, DiMartino L, Jacobs S, Fernandez ME, Bosworth H, Klesges LM, Shah N

Engagement with Incharge App - a Mobile Health Intervention to Improve Adherence to Hydroxyurea Among Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease.


Christina M Abrams, Natalia Davila, Cathy Melvin, Sherif M. Badawy, Michael B Potter, Robert Gibson, Allison A King, Victor R. Gordeuk, Chinonyelum Nwosu, Jerlym S. Porter, Sophie Li, Jeffrey A. Glassberg, Richard Lottenberg, Lisa Klesges, Nirmish Shah, Jane S Hankins

The Cervical Cancer Treatment Gap in Mexico Under Seguro Popular, 2006-2016.

Health systems and reform

McClellan SP, Unger-Saldaña K, Espinosa-Tamez P, Suazo-Zepeda E, Potter MB, Barquet-Muñoz SA, Torres-Ibarra L, Lamadrid-Figueroa H, Lajous M

Abstract 77: The Cervical Cancer Treatment Gap Among Mexican Women Without Social Security From 2006-2016 After the Introduction of Public Financing for Treatment.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Sean McClellan, Karla Unger-Saldaña, Priscilla Espinoza-Tamez, Erick Suazo-Zepeda, Michael B. Potter, Salim Abraham Barquet-Muñoz, Leticia Torres-Ibarra, Hector Lamadrid-Figueroa, Martín Lajous

Mammography prevalence in Mexico from 2001-2018: Results from the Mexican Health and Aging study.

Preventive medicine reports

McClellan SP, Unger-Salda?a K, Neuhaus JM, Potter MB, Garc?a-Pe?a C, Torres JM

Evaluating the implementation of a multi-level mHealth study to improve hydroxyurea utilization in sickle cell disease.

Frontiers in health services

Hankins JS, Potter MB, Fernandez EM, Melvin C, DiMartino L, Jacobs SR, Bosworth HB, King AA, Simon J, Glassberg JA, Kutlar A, Gordeuk VR, Shah N, Baumann AA, Klesges LM, Sickle Cell Disease Implementation Consortium

Opportunity and Promise of Stool-based Organized Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs.

Techniques and Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Ma Somsouk, Briton Lee, Michael B. Potter

"Beyond Just a Supplement": Administrators' Visions for the Future of Virtual Primary Care Services.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Fraze TK, Beidler LB, De Marchis EH, Gottlieb LM, Potter MB

When Functional Impairment Develops Early: Perspectives from Middle-Aged Adults.

Journal of general internal medicine

Xu E, Nicosia FM, Zamora K, Barrientos M, Spar MJ, Reyes-Farias D, Karliner LS, Potter MB, Brown RT

From Cancer Epidemiology to Policy and Practice: the Role of a Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Current epidemiology reports

Hiatt RA, Sibley A, Venkatesh B, Cheng J, Dixit N, Fox R, Ling P, Nguyen T, Oh D, Palmer NR, Pasick RJ, Potter MB, Somsouk M, Vargas RA, Vijayaraghavan M, Ashworth A

Untitled Publication

Salud Pública de México

Manzano-Robleda MDC, Espinosa-Tamez P, Potter MB, Hernández-Guerrero A, Van Loon K, Unger-Saldaña K

Untitled Publication

Salud Pública de México

Van Loon K, Mohar A, Unger-Saldaña K, Potter MB, Sweet-Cordero EA, Breithaupt L, Espinosa-Tamez P, Sepúlveda-Amor J, Lajous M

mHealth: experiences and opportunities for cancer research in Mexico.

Salud Pública de México

Flores-Torres MH, Huerta-Gutierrez R, Potter MB

Differences in Hypertension Medication Prescribing for Black Americans and Their Association with Hypertension Outcomes.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Holt HK, Gildengorin G, Karliner L, Fontil V, Pramanik R, Potter MB

Evaluating the Sustainability of a Cancer Screening Intervention through a PRISM: The PreView Experience.

Preventive medicine reports

Judith Walsh, Michael Potter, Elizabeth Ozer, Ginny Gildengorin, Natasha Dass, Lawrence Green

National and state-level colorectal cancer mortality trends in Mexico, 1998-2018.

Salud Pública de México

Priscilla Espinosa-Tamez, Erick Suazo-Zepeda, Hugo Sánchez-Blas, Mónica Meneses-Medina, Fidel David Huitzil-Meléndez, Katherine Van Loon, Michael Potter, Martín Lajous

Examining Variations in Action Plan Quality Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Kjaer PH, Fisher L, Potter MB, Dedhia M, Parra J, Ejskjaer N, Skovlund S, Hessler D

Electronic Health Record-Embedded Individualized Pain Plans for Emergency Department Treatment of Vaso-occlusive Episodes in Adults With Sickle Cell Disease: Protocol for a Preimplementation and Postimplementation Study.

JMIR research protocols

Luo L, King AA, Carroll Y, Baumann AA, Brambilla D, Carpenter CR, Colla J, Gibson RW, Gollan S, Hall G, Klesges L, Kutlar A, Lyon M, Melvin CL, Norell S, Mueller M, Potter MB, Richesson R, Richardson LD, Ryan G, Siewny L, Treadwell M, Zun L, Armstrong-Brown J, Cox L, Tanabe P

Faecal immunochemical test-based colorectal cancer screening in Mexico: an initial experience.

Family practice

Remes-Troche JM, Hinojosa-Garza G, Espinosa-Tamez P, Meixueiro-Daza A, Grube-Pagola P, Van Loon K, Potter MB, Lajous M

Integration of Mobile Health Into Sickle Cell Disease Care to Increase Hydroxyurea Utilization: Efficacy and Implementation Study.

JMIR research protocols

Hankins JS, Shah N, DiMartino L, Brambrilla D, Fernandez ME, Gibson RW, Gordeuk VR, Lottenberg R, Kutlar A, Melvin C, Simon J, Wun T, Treadwell M, Calhoun C, Baumann A, Potter MB, Klesges L, Bosworth H

Fecal immunological test results and diagnostic colonoscopy in a Mexican population at average risk for colorectal cancer.

Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Manzano-Robleda MDC, Espinosa-Tamez P, Potter MB, Lajous M, Van Loon K, Zhang L, Jimenez-Peña A, Sanchez Del Monte J, Mohar-Betancourt A, Hernández-Guerrero A

Barriers and facilitators for colorectal cancer screening in a low-income urban community in Mexico City.

Implementation science communications

Unger-Saldaña K, Saldaña-Tellez M, Potter MB, Van Loon K, Allen-Leigh B, Lajous M

Erratum: Bridging the gap between research, policy, and practice: Lessons learned from academic-public partnerships in the CTSA network - CORRIGENDUM.

Journal of clinical and translational science

Towfighi A, Orechwa AZ, Aragón TJ, Atkins M, Brown AF, Brown J, Carrasquillo O, Carson S, Fleisher P, Gustafson E, Herman DK, Inkelas M, Liu W, Meeker D, Mehta T, Miller DC, Paul-Brutus R, Potter MB, Rittner SS, Rodriguez B, Rusch D, Skinner A, Yee HF

Assessing Barriers to and Facilitators of Designing a Feasible Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Mexico City.

Karla Unger-Saldaña, Minerva Saldaña-Tellez, Anabelle Bonvecchio, Michael B. Potter, Martin Lajous

824-P: Quality of Behavior Change Action Plans Created in Primary Care Settings as a Tool for Patient Involvement in Type 2 Diabetes Care.



Abstract A020: Connection to Health for Smokers: A comprehensive smoking cessation program for community health centers.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Michael B Potter, Vicky Bowyer, Janice Y Tsoh, Jose Parra, Danielle Hessler

Abstract C123: The San Francisco Cancer Initiative: Addressing disparities in colorectal cancer screening in community health centers.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Robert Hiatt, Carly Rachocki, Michael B. Potter, Ma Somsouk, David Ofman

Bridging the gap between research, policy, and practice: Lessons learned from academic-public partnerships in the CTSA network.

Journal of clinical and translational science

Towfighi A, Orechwa AZ, Aragón TJ, Atkins M, Brown AF, Brown J, Carrasquillo O, Carson S, Fleisher P, Gustafson E, Herman DK, Inkelas M, Liu W, Meeker D, Mehta T, Miller DC, Paul-Brutus R, Potter MB, Ritner SS, Rodriguez B, Rusch D, Skinner A, Yee HF

PreView: a Randomized Trial of a Multi-site Intervention in Diverse Primary Care to Increase Rates of Age-Appropriate Cancer Screening.

Journal of general internal medicine

Walsh J, Potter M, Salazar R, Ozer E, Gildengorin G, Dass N, Green L

Patient Engagement in Community Health Center Leadership: How Does it Happen?

Journal of community health

Sharma AE, Huang B, Knox M, Willard-Grace R, Potter MB

Disparities in Hypertension Control Across and Within Three Health Systems Participating in a Data-Sharing Collaborative.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Selby K, Michel M, Gildengorin G, Karliner L, Pramanik R, Fontil V, Potter MB

How Is Family Medicine Engaging Patients at the Practice-Level?: A National Sample of Family Physicians.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Sharma AE, Knox M, Peterson LE, Willard-Grace R, Grumbach K, Potter MB

Motivation and attitudes toward changing health (MATCH): A new patient-reported measure to inform clinical conversations.

Journal of diabetes and its complications

Hessler DM, Fisher L, Polonsky WH, Bowyer V, Potter M

The San Francisco Cancer Initiative: A Community Effort To Reduce The Population Burden Of Cancer.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Hiatt RA, Sibley A, Fejerman L, Glantz S, Nguyen T, Pasick R, Palmer N, Perkins A, Potter MB, Somsouk M, Vargas RA, van 't Veer LJ, Ashworth A

A practical framework for encouraging and supporting positive behaviour change in diabetes.

Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association

Fisher L, Polonsky WH, Hessler D, Potter MB

Brief Report: Informing Strategies to Build PrEP Capacity Among San Francisco Bay Area Clinicians.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Bacon O, Gonzalez R, Andrew E, Potter MB, Iñiguez JR, Cohen SE, Liu AY, Fuchs JD

"How Can We Talk about Patient-centered Care without Patients at the Table?" Lessons Learned from Patient Advisory Councils.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Sharma AE, Willard-Grace R, Willis A, Zieve O, Dubé K, Parker C, Potter MB

Oral Health Prevention and Toddler Well-Child Care: Routine Integration in a Safety Net System.


Dooley D, Moultrie NM, Heckman B, Gansky SA, Potter MB, Walsh MM

The new lipid guidelines: what do primary care clinicians think?

The American journal of medicine

Jamé S, Wittenberg E, Potter MB, Fleischmann KE

Use of community engagement strategies to increase research participation in practice-based research networks (PBRNs).

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Spears W, Tsoh JY, Potter MB, Weller N, Brown AE, Campbell-Voytal K, Getrich CM, Sussman AL, Pascoe J, Neale AV

A workplace colorectal cancer screening program in firefighters: lessons learned.

Occupational medicine (Oxford, England)

Walsh JM, Potter MB, Arora M, Gildegorin G, Terdiman J

Awareness of intraoperative floppy-iris syndrome among primary care physicians.

Journal of cataract and refractive surgery

Doss EL, Potter MB, Chang DF

Cultivating a cycle of trust with diverse communities in practice-based research: a report from PRIME Net.

Annals of family medicine

Getrich CM, Sussman AL, Campbell-Voytal K, Tsoh JY, Williams RL, Brown AE, Potter MB, Spears W, Weller N, Pascoe J, Schwartz K, Neale AV

Strategies for expanding colorectal cancer screening at community health centers.

CA: a cancer journal for clinicians

Sarfaty M, Doroshenk M, Hotz J, Brooks D, Hayashi S, Davis TC, Joseph D, Stevens D, Weaver DL, Potter MB, Wender R

Strategies for expanding colorectal cancer screening at community health centers.

CA: a cancer journal for clinicians

Sarfaty M, Doroshenk M, Hotz J, Brooks D, Hayashi S, Davis TC, Joseph D, Stevens D, Weaver DL, Potter MB, Wender R

Effectiveness and reach of the FLU-FIT program in an integrated health care system: a multisite randomized trial.

American journal of public health

Potter MB, Ackerson LM, Gomez V, Walsh JM, Green LW, Levin TR, Somkin CP

PRE-VIEW: Development and Pilot Testing of An Interactive Video Doctor Plus Provider Alert to Increase Cancer Screening.

ISRN preventive medicine

Arora M, Gerbert B, Potter MB, Gildengorin G, Walsh JM

Seasonal flu vaccines advancing the delivery of colorectal cancer screening.

South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association

Potter M

The FLU-FOBT Program in community clinics: durable benefits of a randomized controlled trial.

Health education research

Walsh JM, Gildengorin G, Green LW, Jenkins J, Potter MB

PSA screening: determinants of primary-care physician practice patterns.

Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases

Tasian GE, Cooperberg MR, Potter MB, Cowan JE, Greene KL, Carroll PR, Chan JM

Chronic non-cancer pain: a siren for primary care--a report from the PRImary Care MultiEthnic Network (PRIME Net).

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Leverence RR, Williams RL, Potter M, Fernald D, Unverzagt M, Pace W, Parnes B, Daniels E, Skipper B, Volk RJ, Brown AE, Rhyne RL

The effectiveness of the FLU-FOBT program in primary care a randomized trial.

American journal of preventive medicine

Potter MB, Walsh JM, Yu TM, Gildengorin G, Green LW, McPhee SJ

Adaptation of the FLU-FOBT Program for a primary care clinic serving a low-income Chinese American community: new evidence of effectiveness.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Potter MB, Yu TM, Gildengorin G, Yu AY, Chan K, McPhee SJ, Green LW, Walsh JM

The FLU-FIT program: an effective colorectal cancer screening program for high volume flu shot clinics.

The American journal of managed care

Potter MB, Somkin CP, Ackerson LM, Gomez V, Dao T, Horberg MA, Walsh J ME

The quality of colonoscopy services--responsibilities of referring clinicians: a consensus statement of the Quality Assurance Task Group, National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable.

Journal of general internal medicine

Fletcher RH, Nadel MR, Allen JI, Dominitz JA, Faigel DO, Johnson DA, Lane DS, Lieberman D, Pope JB, Potter MB, Robin DP, Schroy PC, Smith RA

Comparative effectiveness of two pharmacy-based colorectal cancer screening interventions during an annual influenza vaccination campaign.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Potter MB, Gildengorin G, Wang Y, Wu M, Kroon L

Developing a quality screening colonoscopy referral system in primary care practice: a report from the national colorectal cancer roundtable.

CA: a cancer journal for clinicians

Sifri R, Wender R, Lieberman D, Potter M, Peterson K, Weber TK, Smith R

Improving colorectal cancer screening: a partnership between primary care practices and the American Cancer Society.

Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education

Potter MB, Namvargolian Y, Hwang J, Walsh JM

Offering annual fecal occult blood tests at annual flu shot clinics increases colorectal cancer screening rates.

Annals of family medicine

Potter MB, Phengrasamy L, Hudes ES, McPhee SJ, Walsh JM

Counseling women about mammography: benefits vs. harms.

American family physician

Potter MB

Standardized colonoscopy reporting and data system: report of the Quality Assurance Task Group of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy

Lieberman D, Nadel M, Smith RA, Atkin W, Duggirala SB, Fletcher R, Glick SN, Johnson CD, Levin TR, Pope JB, Potter MB, Ransohoff D, Rex D, Schoen R, Schroy P, Winawer S

Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practices & Populations

Chronic pain management in vulnerable populations

Potter MB, Johnson YM, Zevin BS.

Dimensions of patient-provider communication and diabetes self-care in an ethnically diverse population.

Journal of general internal medicine

Piette JD, Schillinger D, Potter MB, Heisler M

Weight management: what patients want from their primary care physicians.

The Journal of family practice

Potter MB, Vu JD, Croughan-Minihane M

Opioids for chronic nonmalignant pain. Attitudes and practices of primary care physicians in the UCSF/Stanford Collaborative Research Network. University of California, San Francisco.

The Journal of family practice

Potter M, Schafer S, Gonzalez-Mendez E, Gjeltema K, Lopez A, Wu J, Pedrin R, Cozen M, Wilson R, Thom D, Croughan-Minihane M

Ethnicity and rates of overweight.

The Journal of family practice

Potter MB

Back pain in an eight-year-old.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Potter M, Walko E