Lealah Pollock, MD

Assistant Professor,
Family Community Medicine

Dr. Lealah Pollock is a family doctor who specializes in primary and specialty care for women living with HIV throughout their lives, including during pregnancy and the postpartum period. She also has a special interest in sexual and reproductive health and care for transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals.

Pollock earned a master's degree in health and medical sciences at University of California, Berkeley and her medical degree from UCSF's joint medical program with UC Berkeley. She completed a residency in family and community medicine at UCSF.

Pollock's educational work focuses on training medical students and residents in care for underserved populations. She also teaches family planning to residents. As part of the National Clinician Consultation Center, she guides health care providers around the country on HIV prevention and treatment.

Pollock enjoys traveling, camping and cycling. She has ridden her bicycle, toting her tent, down the California coast, in eastern Oregon and through France.


Tilting the Scale: Current Provider Perspectives and Practices on Breastfeeding with HIV in the United States.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Lai A, Young ES, Kohrman H, Chateau G, Cohan D, Pollock L, Hahn M, Namusaazi B, Toini OT, Levison J, Ruel T

Missed Opportunities for HIV Prevention in Perinatal Care Settings in the United States.

Frontiers in reproductive health

Pollock L, Warren M, Levison J

ACOG Committee Opinion No. 752: Prenatal and Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Pollock L, Cohan D, Pecci CC, Mittal P

HIV-Associated Complications: A Systems-Based Approach.

American family physician

Chu C, Pollock LC, Selwyn PA

HIV-affected couples and individuals who desire children should be offered options for safer conception.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Pollock LC, Weber S, Kaida A, Matthews LT, Seidman DL

'You should build yourself up as a whole product': Transgender female identity in Lima, Peru.

Global public health

Pollock L, Silva-Santisteban A, Sevelius J, Salazar X