Ronald Goldschmidt, MD

Family Community Medicine
+1 628 206-5792

HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis
Dr. Goldschmidt is Director of the national Clinicians Consultation Center (CCC), which includes the Warmline, PEPline, and the Perinatal HIV Hotline. The Warmline addresses clinicians’ questions about HIV/AIDS, including antiretroviral therapy, clinical manifestations, and laboratory evaluation. The PEPline (National Clinicians' Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline) is the national needlestick hotline, providing 24-hour consultation for questions about occupational exposures to HIV and other blood-borne pathogens. The Perinatal HIV Hotline provides consultation to clinicians regarding HIV testing in pregnancy, managing HIV in pregnancy and labor and delivery, and caring for newborns of HIV-positive mothers. In addition, the CCC provides consultation on hepatitis C to Veterans Administration clinicians.

Inpatient Care (Hospitalist Care)
Dr. Goldschmidt attends on the Family Medicine Inpatient Service at San Francisco General Hospital, providing patient care and teaching for Family Medicine residents and medical students from UCSF and other medical schools.

Outpatient Care
Dr. Goldschmidt provides care one half day per week in the SFGH Family Health Center.


Testing and Clinical Management of Health Care Personnel Potentially Exposed to Hepatitis C Virus - CDC Guidance, United States, 2020.

MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports

Moorman AC, de Perio MA, Goldschmidt R, Chu C, Kuhar D, Henderson DK, Naggie S, Kamili S, Spradling PR, Gordon SC, Russi MB, Teshale EH

Initial Management of Patients with HIV Infection.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH, Chu C, Dong BJ

Preexposure Prophylaxis in the United States: An Evolving HIV Prevention Opportunity.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Goldschmidt RH

Influenza 2015-2016: Challenges and Recommendations.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH

A clinical approach to elimination of perinatal HIV transmission in resource-rich settings.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Seidman D, Ruel T, Rahangdale L, Mittal P, Pecci C, Weber S, Goldschmidt R, Cohan D, Levison J

Teleconsultation improves primary care clinicians' confidence about caring for HIV.

Journal of general internal medicine

Waldura JF, Neff S, Dehlendorf C, Goldschmidt RH

Introducing wicked issues for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation in the U.S.

American journal of preventive medicine

Smith DK, Dearing JW, Sanchez T, Goldschmidt RH

Safer conception options for HIV-serodiscordant couples.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Cohan D, Weber S, Goldschmidt R

When is postexposure prophylaxis recommended for needlestick?

American family physician

Matin M, Goldschmidt RH

Teleconsultation for clinicians who provide human immunodeficiency virus care: experience of the national HIV telephone consultation service.

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association

Waldura JF, Neff S, Goldschmidt RH

Influenza management guide 2010-2011.

American family physician

Matin M, Goldschmidt RH

Applying HIV testing guidelines in clinical practice.

American family physician

Mahoney MR, Fogler J, Weber S, Goldschmidt RH

Delivery options for prevention of perinatal HIV transmission.

American family physician

Fogler J, Cohan D, Weber S, Goldschmidt RH

Influenza management guide 2009-2010.

American family physician

Matin M, Goldschmidt R

Clinicians' knowledge of 2007 Food and Drug Administration recommendation to discontinue nelfinavir use during pregnancy.

Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill. : 2002)

Fogler J, Weber S, Mahoney MR, Goldschmidt RH

State human immunodeficiency virus testing laws.

Archives of internal medicine

Neff S, Goldschmidt RH

African-American clinicians providing HIV care: the experience of the National HIV/AIDS Clinicians' Consultation Center.

Journal of the National Medical Association

Mahoney MR, Sterkenburg C, Thom DH, Goldschmidt RH

Care of HIV-infected Latinos in the United States: a description of calls to the National HIV/AIDS Clinicians' Consultation Center.

The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC

Mahoney MR, Khamarko K, Goldschmidt RH

Consultation needs in perinatal HIV care: experience of the National Perinatal HIV Consultation Service.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Fogler JA, Weber S, Goldschmidt RH, Mahoney MR, Cohan D

Pregnant physicians and infectious disease risk.

American family physician

Garlin AB, Goldschmidt R

The changing role of family physicians in HIV care.

American family physician

Mahoney MR, Goldschmidt RH

Opportunities to prevent HIV transmission to newborns.


Goldschmidt RH, Fogler JA

Type 2 diabetes in adolescents. How to recognize and treat this growing problem.

Postgraduate medicine

Laurencin MG, Goldschmidt R, Fisher L

HIV testing on demand.

American family physician

Harvey A, Goldschmidt RH

Preventing HIV--a primary care imperative.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH, Poage RE

Potential adverse effects and inferior efficacy in ARV treatment.

Journal of the National Medical Association

Graves D, Cocohoba J, Gruta C, Goldschmidt R

The family in the family medicine literature.

Family medicine

Goldschmidt R, Williard C

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions: 2001.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV-infected patients.

American family physician

May TA, Gruta CI, Goldschmidt RH

Bacteremic pneumonia due to multidrug-resistant pneumococci in 3 patients treated unsuccessfully with azithromycin and successfully with levofloxacin.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Fogarty C, Goldschmidt R, Bush K

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions: 2000.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

An HIV-positive patient who avoids treatment.

American family physician

Legg JJ, Goldschmidt RH

Sulfadiazine-induced crystalluria and renal failure in a patient with AIDS.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Dong BJ, Rodriguez RA, Goldschmidt RH

Resolving the common clinical dilemmas of syphilis.

American family physician

Birnbaum NR, Goldschmidt RH, Buffett WO

The changing spectrum of HIV care.

American family physician

Reyes EM, Liljestrand P, Goldschmidt RH

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions--1999.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Oral health care issues in HIV disease: developing a core curriculum for primary care physicians.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Sifri R, Diaz VA, Gordon L, Glick M, Anapol H, Goldschmidt R, Greenspan D, Sadovsky R, Turner B, Rabinowitz HK

Controversies: the role of HIV specialists.


Legg JJ, Balano KB, Goldschmidt RH

Individualized strategies in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Balano KB, Legg JJ, Dong BJ

National HIV telephone consultation line.

Journal of general internal medicine

Liljestrand P, Goldschmidt RH

Rural human immunodeficiency virus care.

Archives of family medicine

Goldschmidt RH, Willard CL, Liljestrand P

Prophylaxis of opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions--1997.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Medical record completion: a consistent approach is the key.

Family medicine

Goldschmidt RH, Grumbach K, Peterson A, Desmond B, Lederman N

Occupational exposure to HIV: new recommendations for treating health care workers.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Legg JJ, Balano KB

Antiretroviral drug treatment for HIV/AIDS.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH, Moy A

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions--1996.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Definition of "family".

Journal of general internal medicine

Goldschmidt RH

Zidovudine and prevention of perinatal HIV transmission.

American family physician

Legg JJ, Goldschmidt RH

Treating an HIV-positive male patient.

Family medicine

Goldschmidt RH, Legg JJ

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions--1995.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Current report--HIV. Antiretroviral strategies revisited.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ, Legg JJ

Educating primary care providers about HIV disease: multidisciplinary interactive mechanisms.

Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)

Macher A, Goosby E, Barker L, Volberding P, Goldschmidt R, Balano KB, Williams A, Hoenig L, Gould B, Daniels E

Current report--HIV. Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions--1994.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Guidelines for evaluating and managing early HIV infection.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH

Rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex infection.

The New England journal of medicine

Goldschmidt RH, Hearst N, Chambers DB

Rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex disease.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

The Concorde zidovudine trial and antiretroviral strategies for asymptomatic patients.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Update on drug therapy for HIV and related infections in adults.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Cost-effective treatment of Candida esophagitis.

Annals of internal medicine

Legg JJ, Brossier KA, Goldschmidt RH

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions--1993.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

The new AIDS Surveillance Case Definition.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Current report--HIV. Antiretroviral strategies.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Legg JJ, Brossier KA

Families of homosexual men: their knowledge and support regarding sexual orientation and HIV disease.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Fisher L, Goldschmidt RH, Hays RB, Catania JA

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions: 1992.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Universal precautions.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

HIV, family practice, and the medical literature.

Family practice research journal

Goldschmidt RH

Mycobacterial disease in HIV-infected persons.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Current report--HIV. Counseling patients about HIV test results.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Legg JJ

Treatment of AIDS and HIV-related conditions.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ

Current report--HIV. Recommendations for treatment of acute Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Current report--HIV. AIDS at the crossroads: a report from the 1990 International Conference on AIDS--San Francisco.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ, Saba GW, DeRemer PA, Legg JJ

Zidovudine for asymptomatic HIV-infected patients: answers and questions.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Dermatologic manifestations of HIV infection.

American family physician

Berger TG, Obuch ML, Goldschmidt RH

Accidental exposure to HIV infection by health care workers.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Current report--HIV 1989 International Conference on AIDS--Montreal.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

The family physician's role in the HIV epidemic.

American family physician

Goldschmidt RH

Diagnosis and treatment of syphilis in HIV-infected patients.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH

Evaluation and treatment of AIDS-associated illnesses: an approach for the primary physician.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Goldschmidt RH, Dong BJ, Johnson MA, Cello JP, Simon RP

Telling patients the diagnosis is cancer: a teaching module.

Family medicine

Goldschmidt RH, Hess PA

The clinical librarian: new team member for a Family Practice Inpatient Service.

Family medicine

Yates-Imah C, Goldschmidt RH, Johnson MA