Michael Potter, MD
Dr. Michael Potter is a family physician and researcher in the UCSDF School of Medicine's Department of Family and Community Medicine. Dr. Potter is director of the San Francisco Bay Collaborative Research Network (SFBayCRN), a primary care practice-based research network that is supported by the UCSF Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. SFBayCRN provides consultation and leadership to develop mutually beneficial research partnerships between UCSF faculty and community-based clinicians or healthcare organizations. He also directs CTSI's Research Infrastructure Network and Team Science Programs. In his own research, Dr. Potter focuses on the development and evaluation of primary care interventions that increase access to essential preventive services and chronic illness care. He is also a member of UCSF's Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and UCSF's Global Cancer Program, providing leadership for initiatives related to colorectal cancer screening within both programs. Dr. Potter is a graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Medical School, the UCSF Family Medicine Residency Program at San Francisco General Hospital, and UCSF's Advanced Training in Clinical Research Fellowship. He has been a member of the UCSF faculty since 1994.