William Shore, MD

Family Community Medicine

Permanente Medical Group Teaching Chair of Primary Care
Mentor Facilitator-Dept. Family and Community Medicine
Director Medical Education Program Development-Dept. Family and Community Medicine

MD, Northwestern University Medical School
Residency, University of Miami Department of Family Medicine
Fellowship: Robert Wood Johnson Adolescent Medicine

Areas of Interest:
Medical student education
Adolescent Medicine
Care of Urban, Underserved patients and communities


Changes in medical students' exposure to and attitudes about drug company interactions from 2003 to 2012: a multi-institutional follow-up survey.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Sierles FS, Kessler KH, Mintz M, Beck G, Starr S, Lynn DJ, Chao J, Cleary LM, Shore W, Stengel TL, Brodkey AC

Adolescent medicine. Preface.

Primary care

Shore WB, Leanza F, Chaisson N

Creating a longitudinal integrated clerkship with mutual benefits for an academic medical center and a community health system.

The Permanente journal

Poncelet AN, Mazotti LA, Blumberg B, Wamsley MA, Grennan T, Shore WB

Understanding the needs and concerns of senior faculty in academic medicine: building strategies to maintain this critical resource.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Stearns J, Everard KM, Gjerde CL, Stearns M, Shore W

Analysis of clerkship student-patient interviews in underserved clinics.

Family medicine

Shore WB, Muller J, Thom D, Mergendoller J, Saba GW

Development of a longitudinal integrated clerkship at an academic medical center.

Medical education online

Poncelet A, Bokser S, Calton B, Hauer KE, Kirsch H, Jones T, Lai CJ, Mazotti L, Shore W, Teherani A, Tong L, Wamsley M, Robertson P

Mentoring and career transition needs of senior faculty in family medicine.

Family medicine

Shore WB, Gjerde C, Stearns JA, Frey JJ

Relationships between drug company representatives and medical students: medical school policies and attitudes of student affairs deans and third-year medical students.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Sierles F, Brodkey A, Cleary L, McCurdy FA, Mintz M, Frank J, Lynn DJ, Chao J, Morgenstern B, Shore W, Woodard J

What it's really like: the complex role of medical students in end-of-life care.

Teaching and learning in medicine

Fernandes R, Shore W, Muller JH, Rabow MW

Medical students' exposure to and attitudes about drug company interactions: a national survey.


Sierles FS, Brodkey AC, Cleary LM, McCurdy FA, Mintz M, Frank J, Lynn DJ, Chao J, Morgenstern BZ, Shore W, Woodard JL

Do required preclinical courses with family physicians encourage interest in family medicine?

Family medicine

Hill-Sakurai LE, Schillinger E, Rittenhouse DR, Fahrenbach R, Hudes ES, LeBaron S, Shore WB, Hearst N

The Interdisciplinary Generalist Curriculum Project at the University of California, San Francisco.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Shore WB, Irvine C

What did we learn about interdisciplinary collaboration in institutions?

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Muller J, Shore WB, Martin P, Levine M, Harvey H, Kelly P, McCarty S, Szarek J, Veitia M

What did we learn about the impact on community-based faculty? Recommendations for recruitment, retention, and rewards.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Ullian JA, Shore WB, First LR

Rejecting family practice: why medical students switch to other specialties.

Family medicine

Schafer S, Shore W, French L, Tovar J, Hughes S, Hearst N

Birth and death through a child's eyes.

The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Shore WB

Family practice bashing as perceived by students at a university medical center.

Family medicine

Hearst N, Shore WB, Hudes ES, French L

Reflections-on-action: medical students' accounts of their implicit beliefs and strategies in the context of one-to-one clinical teaching.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Sommers PS, Muller JH, Saba GW, Draisin JA, Shore WB

Family of origin genograms: evaluation of a teaching program for medical students.

Family medicine

Shore WB, Wilkie HA, Croughan-Minihane M

Toward a social policy for health.

The New England journal of medicine

Shore WB, Saba GW

Adolescent sexuality issues in office practice.

American family physician

Alexander B, McGrew MC, Shore W

The problem of teenage pregnancy.

The Journal of family practice

McGrew MC, Shore WB

The trivia champ and honorary faculty member.

The Western journal of medicine

Shore WB

Gonococcal infections in children.

The Journal of pediatrics

Asnes RS, Grebin B, Shore WB, Winkelstein JA

Nonvenereal transmission of gonococcal infections to children.

The Journal of pediatrics

Shore WB, Winkelstein JA